It’s been a crazy time for everyone in the world now but we want you to know; we will not let our efforts go to waste!
Together, we will bounce back stronger and set the trend for the wedding industry in Penang and beyond in years to come!
As you’ve probably noticed, it is our pleasure to make available to you the information of the past and future events of PWPA through this newsletter every quarter of the year.
全新的一年,全新的一届, 槟城婚庆专业协会继续为新婚佳偶缔结良缘, 同时要为大家带来全新的面貌,每一季度出版电子会讯, 持续更新本会的会务及提供各活动的相关报导。
Hotel Site Recce & Visitation
The committee had been busy doing their rounds with hotels in Penang, promoting our mission and vision, hoping to grow our family by inviting them into our platform.
The newly formed committee continued to spread their wings with more hotel visits, and even managed to recruit some to be our member!
We are looking forward to hosting several events in our members’ venues to boost our presence in this industry, build stronger network and bonds, and not forgetting sharing of knowledge that we believe will help us in this industry.
16th Jan 2020 – How to Better our Business by using G Suite
On 16th January 2020, member Vince from Squidoo Booth along with guest Alain Lye, founder of Veecotech shared exclusively with members of PWPA, on How to Better our Business by using G Suite at Penang Digital Library.
社会的进步带来了科技的发达,善用网络工具给人们带来的方便,不但可以节省工作时间 ,更能够达到事半功倍的效果。为了让会员们更有效及妥善地处理公事,本会也为为会员们主办了”如何运用谷歌工具有效管理生意”分享环节。
7th Feb 2020 – Members’ Appreciation Night cum Chinese New Year Celebration
A memorable celebration took place on 7th February, headed by Organizing Chairlady Ann Tan from Casa Amore Wedding Studio did a wonderful job hosting the 2020 Membership Appreciation Night cum Chinese New Year celebration at Iconic Hotel.
The association is proud to have secured a good number of membership renewal, alongside with quite a few new members! At the very same evening, Low Chin Siang of Motion in Style was elected to serve as the President of PWPA for the term 2020 & 2021.
全新一年的常年大会暨新春会员聚在筹委主席陈自爱的带领下,完美落幕。 刘劲祥荣任2020 / 2021年度会长一职,将持续带领本会迈向更高的里程碑。当晚亦是新春会员聚,宴开十席,不仅吸引了众多会员出席团聚,更吸引了来自不同 酒店的市场营销部经理共襄盛举。承蒙所有赞助商的热心赞助,圆满了当晚的盛宴。
9th Feb 2020 – AC Hotel, Bukit Jambul, Penang, Re-Launching
AC hotel even invited PWPA members to their rebranding launch. Attendees were served with a sumptuous buffet and met people from other industries that evening.
本会会员非常荣幸受邀前往 AC Hotel 推介礼,见证了AC Hotel 全新的旅程。 本会也与该酒店洽谈合作方案,相信在未来的日子里可以有更多的合作机会。
3rd Mar 2020 – Extraordinary General Meeting
3rd March, the newly formed committee proposed and held an EGM to amend certain constitutions for the convenience and benefits of our association and its members.
6th Mar 2020 – Experience Penang Year 2020 Press Conference
Invited by Penang Global Tourism, represented by President Low Chin Siang and Director of Creative Branding Ann Tan, PWPA is honoured to be part of Experience Penang 2020 to promote Penang wedding tourism.
2020槟城旅游年以“体验槟城2020,缤纷亚洲”为主题, 日前召开了新闻发布会,宣传了在吉隆坡举行的 “体验槟城2020” 巡回。
10th Mar 2020 – Facebook Live – Covid-19 Outbreak : Pre Wedding Shoot Still On?
In sync with the situation we are facing now, with facilities sponsored by, along with members Chin Siang, Wei Loon, Kenneth and Ray hosted a Facebook Live session with guest speaker Dr. Benjamin Chow of Gleneagles Penang on considerations to carry on with overseas or even the famous season of Sakura Pre-Wedding Shots anytime soon.
新冠肺炎疫情爆发,本会赶在政府宣布行管令之前,及时联合赞助单位 主办了网络直播,邀请了本会数位摄影师及化妆师会员,连同特别嘉宾,来自鹰阁医院的Benjamin医生,分享疫情在世界各地爆发之际,是否仍继续婚纱摄影的课题。 同时,Benjamin医生也在线上分享有效的防疫措施。
11th Mar 2020 – WPAM x PWPA 1st Meeting
PWPA and WPAM ( Wedding Professionals Association of Malaysia) met officially for the 1st time and is considering multiple ways to collaborate to bring in more exposure and benefits to the association and its members.
12th Mar 2020 – Experience Penang Year 2020 Roadshow
Ann, Chin Siang, Ray, C Hun and Suan Bee with their own expenses, represented PWPA, headed to KL and participated in the Experience Penang Roadshow. Databases collected from the roadshow are available to our members via PWPA members’ Google Drive, please contact our secretary if you are not able to access it.
配合2020槟城旅游年的“体验槟城2020,缤纷亚洲” 吉隆坡站巡回, 本会数位代表自付前往参展,更有幸与众参与者介绍本会。 参与者多半为旅游业者,本会也通过这项活动收集了旅游业者的联系, 并已将其上载到会员谷歌文件。如有会员无法浏览该文件,可联系本会秘书。
25th Mar 2020 – Legal Advice for Wedding SMEs due to Covid-19
The Ministry of Health has urged that all mass gatherings and events should be postponed due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Penang. Most of our members’ businesses are facing some issues, i.e. cancellations or postponements of weddings or pre wedding photoshooting. We are honored to have Lawyer Jojo to share with us some valuable legal knowledge to protect ourselves as wedding vendors and also create a win-win situation between both vendors and couples.
新冠肺炎持续蔓延,最终政府下了行管令,短期内禁止主办所有大型活动。 这项措施对婚庆行业者带来极大的冲击, 许多公司都遭遇了准新人取消婚宴或展延婚宴的窘境。 为此,本会特邀刘雨柔律师参与线上会议,给大家带来法律相关的资讯, 让会员们更了解其公司及新人的权益,给予新人最有效的解决方案, 好让双方得以达成共识,制造双赢的圆满结局。
We truly believe that we will thrive soon after the crisis is over, and together we will find ways to collaborate, and the association is always ready to share our resources with its members. Please feel free to approach the committee and share your ideas on how this platform can give us that extra leverage and what we can do to make this industry better for all of us.
Stay in touch, always keep an eye on our Whatsapp group chat and be informed when we have our next event coming up!
新冠肺炎的蔓延,行管令的执行,对身处婚庆行业的我们而言, 确实是影响甚大。然而在这个时刻,我们大家必须得更齐心地集思广益,相互扶持及鼓励, 携手对抗疫情度过难关。也许如今我们可以做的事情并不多, 但是这正是一个绝佳的增值及拟定计划时刻,待疫情结束之时,雨过天晴之际,将所增值的所计划的一一执行,重新出发! 当然,本会会和大家一同共进退,如有任何意见,欢迎大家随时向任何一个执委提出,
让我们互相借力,一起为槟城婚庆行业重燃希望, 相信从大家来自各个不同行业的专业角度分析及构思,必定能战胜这场战役!
President 会长 : Low Chin Siang 刘劲祥
VP 副会长 : Jason Tan 陈松兴, Bryan Chew 周聪远
Secretary 秘书 : Evon Lye 赖仪雯
Asst Secretary 副秘书 : Andrew Ng 吴义伦
Treasurer 财政 : CJ Tan 陈冲劲
Head of Marketing 市场总监 : Ray Eoh 杨晓俊
Head of Branding 品牌总监 : Ann Tan 陈自爱
Head of Admin & Membership 行政与会员总监 : Vernon Kong 江旭为
Head of Event 活动总监 : Vince Ooi 黄仁渊
PR (Eng) 公关 : Jason Jay 张哲伟
PR (Chi) 公关 : Yvonne Chuah 蔡佩珊
Sub Comm 委员 : Amy Aw 胡爱伶
Sub Comm 委员 : Bhiyo Tan 陈初频
Sub Comm 委员 : Tan Wooi Loon 陈伟伦
Auditor 查账 : Tan Suan Bee 陈碹美